Bicester Heritage - Flywheel Festival
Organised by Harry Irvine with moral support from Lawrence Wood. June 23rd 2018 at the fabulously evocative Bicester Heritgage airfield.
Four Costellos managed to attend this Classic & Sportscar show, ably led by Harry driving the cavalcade from a local hotel, inline through the gates. Segregated parking was granted the group from the folks at C&SC, enabling the cars to be roped-off and observed safely by keen onlookers.
The former WW2 RAF bomber base has been gently restored over recent years using National Lottery and voluntary funds, bringing artisan skilled craftsmen to the site to run their small, bespoke service workshops for the classic and vintage car and airplane cottage industries.
Larger numbers of spectators than ever before enjoyed watching some historic demonstration drives of all eras of vintage and classic vehicles. Craning one's head upwards dramatic displays by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and a Great War air display team entertained the crowds all afternoon.
A concours event, auction, club displays, vintage memorabilia stalls, nostalgia rides and live music keep the Costello folk busy all day under clear, sunny skies. .
The Bicester Heritage site now contains over 20 companies involved in classic car sales and restoration services and these are housed in refurbished WW2 bomber base buildings and a lot of these companies had open doors and had staff present to talk to members of the public.
The four Costellos owners at the show were Alun Evans (Mk1 GT KML945K), Harry Irvine (Mk2 Roadster BGO819H), Laurie Way (Mk1 GT LTD828K ), and Richard Wood (Mk2 GT 63RRR). A fifth Costello was spotted elsewhere in the club display area - a dark blue Mk1 GT LGW395K.