2018 News Archives

10 December
GT Sold!
David Wiggins' fabulous GT is now sold to a lucky new owner whom mgcostello.com hopes will join the Costello fraternity soon.
Well done to Classic Car Auctions for moving the car on at a value reflective of today's marketplace.

16 November
Anger Management
Richard Fairclough's popular MkI Roadster made it in the news again this autumn, as a flight of fancy for the writers of the Classic Car Show's magazine. David Simister enjoyed a thrilling ride in Richard's Costello, only recently back on the road after a small fire put pay to some exuberant summer driving.
Read more about it in the Articles section. Direct link here.
Richard does possess a faithful reproduction, licensed egg box grille and will fit it once his oil cooler is suitably placed.

01 October
Costello For Sale!
A popular MkI model currently owned by sports car enthusiast David Wiggins is being put up for sale at Classic Car Auctions in December, 2018. It is however for sale privately if you fancy a punt. Contact details are below.
Registered in April 1972, this is a late MkI model, complete with SU carbs and fibreglass bonnet for enhanced clearance and airflow.
Contact David for more information. More on his car can be found here.
30th August
Another Costello Emerges from Restoration
Paul Stirling's lovely blue MkI GT is almost finished. The car has been completely stripped to bare metal and restored. Full original engine has been rebuilt and balanced. The original gearbox has also been rebuilt along with the original rear 3.07 differential. Paul plans to collect the car from southern England and drive the 650 miles in one go back to his home in the Scottish Highlands.
He uses Peter Stabb for some welding and assembling as well as absolute bare metal shell and rebuild, Hardy Engineering for rear axle/differential, gearbox and overdrive with modifications for strengthening, and engine by Adrian at Gosnays.
All the original features in place from Ken Costello have remained faithfully in place.
Paul is keen to meet with other Costello owners in 2019 and happy to offer advice on his own restoration to others in the same position. More on his car can be found here.

30th June
Costellos in attendance at Bicester Heritage C&SC Show
Four Costello MGs finally made it to the magical Bicester Heritage event on 23rd June. Expertly organised by Harry Irvine who led the short cavalcade into the grounds of the former WW2 bomber base, the Costello drivers were graced with larger crowds than ever before, more historical buildings now restored and open to wander around, and clear and sunny skies to watch the air displays and enjoy a grand day out.
More Costellos were expected but a few fell short of their minor restoration deadlines. They plan to attend next years event.
For more information and pictures, see the Bicester Gathering page.

29th April
Planning for Costello Gathering at Bicester Heritage C&SC Show
After a hiatus of a couple of years, the annual Costello Gathering is back for 2018!
On Saturday, 23rd June, we have a chance for a dedicated area to park our cars at the Classic and Sports Car Show at the fabulous Bicester Heritage site, Oxfordshire. We have been offered a 30% discount on adult tickets for the day via a special code when purchasing tickets online.
If you've not been to Bicester Heritage it is well worth a visit. Having been effectively abandoned by the MOD many years ago, it has been reduced by enthusiasts and is fast becoming the number one site in the UK for classic car restoration, sales, and the restoration of forgotten artisan skills. The aircraft hangars and concrete apron roads around the site hark back to WWII when it was an RAF bomber station, and feels largely untouched since. The place has a real magical feel.
We need to know how many of you are interested in bringing your vehicle to the show. If you reply by 6th May we can ascertain how much space the organisers will grant us for parking.
Although there are currently no plans for convoy driving around the area, we might form a plan should numbers be sufficient to warrant it. If you need to stay the evening here are some ideas for local accommodation.
Email Lawrence or Harry to inform of your availability. Hope to see you there!
17th April
First Costello Gathering in three Years Under Planning
Discussions are underway for as many Costellos as possible to meet at a location in central England sometime late Spring this year. Obviously the locale will include fine food and beverages to match. This might develop into a drive and overnight stay but presently thoughts are around just having a good lunch and natter.
Please get in touch with Lawrence and Harry if you are interested in giving your Costello a well-deserved run and meeting fellow Costello owners. More details will be forthcoming as plans develop.

1st April
Premium Listings Launched
Since mgcostello.com is hosted, managed and edited by only two volunteers, costs for maintaining the site are prohibitive. It was decided to introduce a Premium Listing service. Owners of Costello cars are invited to pay a fee of £25 per annum to have their vehicle showcased - more text gives a deeper story of ownership and five photographs give a better impression of the car's condition and life. The Premium service also gives any potential buyer of the car more history and provenance to read through before making an offer.
Since values of Costello cars continue to rise inline with current classic car trends, mgcostello.com believes the Premium listing can only further substantiate the values of these great cars.
Get in touch if you wish to have your car showcased.

16th January
Happy New Year! and a new Article
We begin 2018 with renewed hope and resolution to have a Costello Gathering this year, after a period of relative low activity on the socialising front! Naturally, volunteers are sought to consider their local neighbourhood as a host area for a get-together. Good roads, good food and drink, and great company are the key requisites for a Costello meeting, so let's hope we can pull it off this year!
In the meantime, Costello MGs are in the news again, this time with Classic & Sportscar magazine in the UK. Harry Irvine's fabulous and largely original MkII Roadster was the model selected to represent the marque this time. More information in the Articles section.
mgcostello.com wishes all Costello owners good tidings for 2018 with a hope your steeds are all in good working order, restorations progress smoothly and all continue to enjoy our great V8-powered cars.