Welcome to the home of the Costello MG
This website attempts to unite the owners Costello MGB V8s of the early 1970s (and a few from the early 1990s) so that they may share experiences, admire each other's vehicles, and generally celebrate the car that convinced British Leyland to build their own V8 model. Their effort was not generally considered to be as good as Ken Costello's innovative 'original', thereby giving the Costello V8 cars a distinct cache, sought after evermore today by enthusiasts.
Ken Costello passed away in August 2015, and he is much missed. However, many of his cars live on. Listed here are all the roadsters, GTs, and restoration projects traced to date since January 2008. Those owners who have not so far provided photographs and details are encouraged to do so in order to make the site as exhaustive as possible. It is not currently known how many Costellos still remain, but so far, cars from as far afield as New Zealand, Australia and South Africa have been discovered, and there are plenty of enthusiastic owners in Northern Europe too.
Currently, the owners of more than 70 Costellos have come on board, and now with a substantial press archive, makes mgcostello.com the nearest thing there is to a Costello Register, though it’s preferred not to be so formal.
Become a Patreon
If you own a Costello MG today, and would like it showcased here, please subscribe to our Patreon service. This gives you the chance to share the history and provenance of your Costello MG, visually supported by five photographs.
This not only supports the upkeep of this thoroughly researched and well maintained website, but also helps cement and authenticate the value of your car.
Get in touch if you are interested in sharing your car online.
mgcostello.com would love to hear from you if you currently own, once owned a Costello or have anecdotes to share regarding these cars.
Contact here via e-mail.
About Us
Having previously owned a V8-converted MGB GT, and various other 1800 MGBs, mgcostello.com founder Lawrence Wood was keen to discover the merits of a Costello MG. With purchase secured he was sufficiently impressed and curious to task himself with finding all the other remaining Costello cars worldwide. More than 65 have now been unearthed to date and still the search goes on!
Investigative journalist Roger Cook, a close friend of Ken Costello back in the day, helped the man behind the name develop his first few cars. He also owned the only Costello-endorsed 5-litre Wildcat MkIII car. Roger has a been a serial owner of fascinating vehicles and used his writing skills to document much of the history of the Costello marque.
The result of their work has become the first authoritative database on the marque; a compendium of useful and interesting images and information, and a long overdue tribute to Ken Costello himself; the man behind the ground-breaking cars.
From time to time, enthusiastic Costello owners gather together for a drive and to share stories and experiences. Fifteen such Gatherings have taken place in France, Belgium, the UK and Germany.
Browse the Articles, read or contribute to the Technical Section, and post your thoughts and any discussion topics on the Forum. Do also remember that the site is constantly being updated with new information (as well as new cars) and it's always worth a regular browse.
Now on FaceBook
Join in the chat, and share photos and anecdotes of your interest in MG Costellos in our newly-formed FaceBook group.